5 And Rehoboam dwelte in Ierusalem, and buylt stronge cyties in Iuda:
6 as Bethlehem, Etam & Thekua:
7 Bethzur, Socho & Odollam:
8 Geth, Maresah & Ziph:
9 Adurahim, Lachis and Asecah:
10 Yarah Aialon & Hebron. Which were the stronge cytyes of Iuda and Beniamin.
11 And when he had repayred suche strong cytyes, he put capytaynes in them and store of vitayle, and of oyle and of wyne.
12 And he ordened in all cytyes shyldes & speares, & made them exceadyng stronge. And so Iuda and Beniamin were vnder hym.