2 Chronicles 11:5-12

Bishops(i) 5 And Rehoboam dwelt in Hierusalem, and built strong cities in Iuda 6 He built vp Bethlehem, & Etam, and Thekoa 7 Bethzur, Socho, and Adullam 8 Gath, and Maresa, and Ziph 9 Adurahim, Lachis, and Azecah 10 Zoraa, Aialon, and Hebron, which is in Iuda and Beniamin, strong cities 11 And he repaired the strong holdes, and put captaynes in them, and store of vittaile, and wine, and oyle 12 And in all cities he put shieldes and speares, & made them exceeding strong, hauing Iuda and Beniamin on his syde