2 but euen after that we had suffred before, and were shamefullye entreated at Philippos (as ye wel know) then were we bolde in our God to speake vnto you the Gospel of God wyth muche stryuynge.
3 Oure exhortacyon was not to bringe you to erroure, nor yet to vnclennes, neyther was it wyth gile,
4 but as we were allowed of God, that the Gospel shoulde be committed vnto vs, euen so we spake, not as though we entended to please men, but God whyche tryeth oure hertes.
5 Neither was our conuersacyon at anye tyme wyth flatterynge wordes, as ye well knowe neyther in cloked couetousnes, god is record:
6 neyther sought we prayse of men neyther of you, nor yet of anye other, when we mighte haue bene chargeable, as the Apostles of Christe,
7 but we were tender amonge you, euen as a noursse cheryshed his children,
8 so was our affeccion toward you, oure good wil was to haue dealte to you, not the Gospel of God onely, but also our owne soules because ye were deare to vs.
9 Ye remember brethren our labour and trauayle. For we laboured day and night, because we would not be greuous vnto any of you, and preached vnto you the Gospel of God.
10 Ye are wytnesses, and so is God, howe holily and iustlye and vnblameably we behaued our selues among you that beleue
11 as ye know howe that we exhorted and comforted, and besoughte euerye one of you, as a father hys chyldren,
12 that ye woulde walke worthye of God, whiche hath called you vnto his kingdome & glory.