1 Samuel 8:5-9

Matthew(i) 5 and sayd vnto him: behold thou art olde, & thy sonnes folow not thy wayes. Now therfor make vs a king to iudge vs, as all other nacions haue. 6 But the thyng displeased Samuell, when they sayde: geue vs a kynge to iudge vs. And Samuel prayed vnto the Lorde. 7 And the Lord sayd vnto Samuel: heare the voyce of the people in all that they say vnto the. For they haue not cast the awaye, but me: that I shulde not raygne ouer them. 8 And as they haue euer done (sence I brought them out of Egypt vnto thys daye, & haue forsaken me, & serued other Goddes) euen so do they vnto the. 9 Now therfor herken vnto theyr voyce, howbeit yet, testifye vnto them, & shew them the duty of the kyng that shal raygne ouer them.