1 Samuel 3:1-12

Matthew(i) 1 And the child Samuel ministred vnto the Lord Eli: & the word of the Lorde was precious in those dayes, for there was none open vision. 2 And it chaunsed at that tyme, that Eli laye in his place, & his eyes began to waxe dimme, that he could not se. 3 And yer the lamp of God went out. Samuel layd him doune to slepe, in the temple of the Lord, where the arcke of God was. 4 And the Lorde called Samuel: & he sayd: here am I, 5 & he ran vnto Eli, & said: here am I, for thou calledest me. And he sayde I called the not: go agayne, & slepe. And he went and layde hym doune to slepe. 6 And the Lord called once againe: Samuel, and Samuel arose & went to Eli, and sayd: I am here, thou dyddest call me. And he aunswered: I called the not my sonne. Go agayne & take thy rest: 7 but it was yer Samuel knewe the Lord, & yer the worde of the Lorde was opened vnto hym. 8 And the Lorde wente to & called Samuel the thyrde tyme. And he arose and wente to Eli, and sayde: I am here: for thou hast called me. Then Eli perceyued that the Lord had called the ladde. 9 And said vnto him: go & lye doune: & yf he call the agayne, then say: speake on Lord, for thy seruaunt heareth. And Samuel went & layed him doune in hys place. 10 And the Lord came & stode & called as before, Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel said speake on, for thy seruaunt heareth the. 11 And the Lord said to Samuel: beholde I wyl do a thing in Israel, that the eares of as many as heareth it, shall tingle. 12 In that day I wyll performe to Eli, al that I haue spoken concernyng hys house: I wil begynne it & ende it.