1 Samuel 19:6-11

Matthew(i) 6 And Saul harkened vnto the voice of Ionathas and sware: as truly as the Lorde lyueth, he shall not dye. 7 Then Ionathas called Dauid, and shewed him all those wordes and brought hym to Saul. And he was in his presens as in tymes past. 8 And the warre began agayne, and Dauid went out and fought with the Philistines and slue a great slaughter, and put them to flight. 9 And the euyll spyryte of the Lorde was vpon Saul as he sat in his house hauing a Iaueling in hys hande, and Dauid played wyth hys hande. 10 And Saul entended to nayle Dauid to the walle wyth the Iauelynge: But Dauid rydde hym selfe out of Sauls presens, and he smote the speare into the walle. 11 But Dauid fled and saued him selfe that same nyght. Then Saul sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watche hym and to sley hym in the mornyng. But Michol his wife tolde it hym saying.