1 Samuel 19:11-15

Matthew(i) 11 But Dauid fled and saued him selfe that same nyght. Then Saul sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watche hym and to sley hym in the mornyng. But Michol his wife tolde it hym saying. 12 Yf thou saue not thy selfe thys nyghte, to morow thou art a dead man. 13 And so Michol let Dauid doune thorow a wyndow, and he went & fled and saued him selfe. And then she toke an Image and layed it in the bed, and put an pillow stuffed with goates heare vnder the head of it, and couered it wyth a clothe. 14 And when Saul sent messengers to fetch Dauid, she said that he was sicke. 15 Then Saul sent the messengers to se Dauid sayinge: brynge hym to me, bed and all, that he maye be slayne.