15 And thys is the summe of the trybute, whiche kyng Salomon raysed, to buylde the house of the lord and hys owne house, and Melo and the walles of Ierusalem and Hezer, and Magedo, and Gazer.
16 For Pharao kyng of Egypt went vp and toke Gazer, and burnte it wyth fyre, and slue the Cananites that dwelt in the cytye, & gaue it for a presente vnto hys doughter that was Salomons wyfe.
17 And Salomon buylte Gazer and Beth Horon the nether:
18 and Baalath & Thamar in the wyldernesse that is in the lande:
19 and all the store cities that Salomon had, & cyties for hys charettes, & cytyes for his horsemen & all that hys luste was to buylde in Ierusalem and Lybanon, and in all the lande of hys Kyngdome.