1 Kings 9:15 Cross References - Matthew

15 And thys is the summe of the trybute, whiche kyng Salomon raysed, to buylde the house of the lord and hys owne house, and Melo and the walles of Ierusalem and Hezer, and Magedo, and Gazer.

Joshua 10:33

33 Then Horam kynge of Geser came vp to helpe Lachys: But Iosua smote him and his people, vntyll he lefte hym naughte remaynynge.

Joshua 11:1

1 And when Iabin Kyng of Hazor had hearde that, he sente to Iobab kynge of Madon, and to the kinge of Someron, and to the Kyng of Acsaph.

Joshua 16:10

10 Notwithstandinge they draue not out the Cananites that dwelte in Gasor: but the Cananites dwelt among the Ephraites vnto this daye, and paye tribute.

Joshua 17:11

11 And Manasses had in Isacar and in Aser, Bethsean, and her tounes: and the enhabitoures of Dor, with the tounes pertaining to the same, and the enhabitoures of Endor, with the tounes of the same: and the enhabitoures of Thaanath with her tounes, and the enhabitoures of Magedo with the tounes of the same, euen thre countreys:

Joshua 19:36

36 Adamah, Hermah and Hazor:

Joshua 21:21

21 And they gaue them the fre cytye of the slear: Sichen wyth her Suburbes, in mounte Ephraim, and Gazer wyth her Suburbes,

Judges 1:29

29 In lyke maner Ephraim expelled not the Cananites that dwelt in Gazer, but the Cananites dwelt stylle in Gazer among them.

Judges 4:2

2 And the Lorde solde them into the handes of Iakin Kynge of Canaan, that raygned in Hazor, whose captaynes of warre was Sisara, which dwelt in Haroseth of the gentyles.

Judges 5:19

19 Kinges came and fought. Then fought the Kyng of Canaan at Thanach, vpon the water of Magedo. But the syluer that they coueted, they caryed not awaye.

Judges 9:6

6 And all the cytezens of Sichem gathered together wyth all the house of Mello, & went and made Abimelech kynge at a certen ocke that was by Sichem.

Judges 9:20

20 But yf you haue not dealte trulye, then I praye God a fyre maye come oute of Abymelech & consume the cytezens of Sichem and the house of Mello. And that there come a fyre out of the cytezens of Sichem, and oute of the house of Mello, and consume Abimelech.

2 Samuel 5:9

9 And Dauid dwelte in the toure and called it the cytye of Dauid. And Dauid buylt round aboute it from Mello inwarde.

1 Kings 4:12

12 Baanah the sonne of Ahilud had Thanach Magedo and all Bethsan which is by Zarhanah benethe Iezrahel, and from Bethsan to Abel Mehulah & vnto beyounde Iecmaam,

1 Kings 5:13

13 And kynge Salomon areysed a trybute thorowe out al Israel. And the trybute was thyrty thousand men,

1 Kings 6:38-7:1

38 euen in the moneth Zif, & in the .xi. yeare in the moneth bul which is the .viij. moneth, it was full fynyshed in al that pertayned therto, and fashyoned as it shulde be in all poyntes: And so was he .vij. yeare in buyldyng of it.

1 Kings 9:10

10 Then at the ende of twentye yeares in which Salomon had buylte the two houses, that is to wete, the house of the Lorde & the kinges pallayce:

1 Kings 9:16-17

16 For Pharao kyng of Egypt went vp and toke Gazer, and burnte it wyth fyre, and slue the Cananites that dwelt in the cytye, & gaue it for a presente vnto hys doughter that was Salomons wyfe. 17 And Salomon buylte Gazer and Beth Horon the nether:

1 Kings 9:21

21 the chyldren of the sayde nacyons that were lefte in the lande, because the chyldren of Israel were not able to destroy them, dyd Salomon make trybutaryes vnto thys day.

1 Kings 9:24

24 And Pharaos doughter came vp oute of the cytye of Dauid vnto the house which Salomon had buylt for her. And after that he buylt Melo.

1 Kings 11:27

27 And hereof came it, that he lyft vp hys hande agaynste the kyng. Salomon built Melo and mended broken places in the cytye of Dauid hys father.

2 Kings 9:27

27 And when Ohoziah the kynge of Iuda sawe that he fled the waye to the garden house. And Iehu folowed after hym, and sayde: smite him also. And they smote hym in hys charet at the goynge vp to Sur by Ieblaam, & he fleed to Magedo, and there dyed.

2 Kings 12:20

20 And his owne seruauntes arose and wroughte treason, and slue Iehoas in the house Melo, in the way doune to Sela.

2 Kings 15:29

29 In the dayes of Phakeh kyng of Israel, came Teglath Phalasar kyng of Assyrya, and toke Aron, Abel, Beth, Maacah, Ianoah, Kades, Hazor, Galaad, Galile, and all the lande of Nephtali, and caryed them away to Assyrya.

2 Kings 23:29-30

29 In his dayes Pharao Necoh kynge of Egipt went againste the kynge of Assiria to the ryuer of Euphrates. And kynge Iosiah went against hym, and was slayne of hym at Magedo when he had sene him. 30 And his seruauntes caryed him dead from Magedo and brought him to Ierusalem, and buried him in hys owne sepulchre. And the people of the land toke Iehoahaz the sonne of Iosiah, and annoynted him and made hym kynge in hys fathers roume.

1 Chronicles 6:67

67 In whych trybe they gaue vnto them the cytyes of Refuge: Sichem in mount Ephraim wyth her Suburbes, and Gaser wyth her Suburbes,

1 Chronicles 20:4

4 After that there arose warre at Gazer wyth the Philistines. At whych tyme Sobocai the Husathite slue Saphai, that was of the chyldren of Raphaim, & they were subdewed.

2 Chronicles 8:1

1 And after .xx. yeare when Salomon had buylt the house of the Lorde and hys owne house:

2 Chronicles 35:22

22 Neuerthelesse Iosiah turned not his face from him, but made hym readye to fyght wyth him, and herkened not vnto the wordes of Necho out of the mouth of God. And when he was come to fyght in the valeye of Magedo,

Psalms 51:18

18 O be fauourable gracyous vnto Syon, that the walles of Ierusalem maye be buylded,

Zechariah 12:11

11 Then shal there be a great mourning at Ierusalem, like as the lamentacion at Adremnon in the feld of Maggadon.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.