1 Kings 8:6-10

Matthew(i) 6 And so the priestes brought the arcke of the apoyntment of the Lorde vnto hys place: euen into the quere of the temple, and place moste holy, vnder the wynges of the Cherubes. 7 For the Cherubes stretched oute theyr wynges ouer the arcke, and couered bothe it and also the staues therof a hye vpon it. 8 How be it the staues were so longe that the endes of them appered oute of the holy place before the quere, but were not sene wythoute. And there they be vnto thys dayes. 9 And there was nothynge in the arcke saue the two tables of stone whiche Moyses put there at Horeb, when the Lorde made an appoyntment wyth the chyldren of Israel after they were come oute of Egypte. 10 And when the priestes were come oute of the holye place, then a cloude fylled the house of the Lorde,