1 Kings 6:23-28

Matthew(i) 23 And within the quere he made two Cherubyns of olyue tree, ten cubytes hye a pece, 24 and euery wynge fyue cubytes longe: so that from the vttermoste parte of the other were ten cubytes. 25 And the other Cherub was ten cubytes hye also: so that bothe the Cherubes were of one measure and one syse. 26 The heyghte of the one Cherub was ten cubytes, & so was it of the other. And he put the Cherubes in the midle of the ynner house. 27 And the Cherubes stretched their wynges, so that the one winge of the one touched the one wall, and the one wynge of the other touched the other walle, And the other two wynges of them touched one another in the middes of the house. 28 And he ouerlayde the Cherubes with golde.