1 Kings 20:14-22

Matthew(i) 14 And Ahab sayde: by whome? And he sayd: thus sayeth the Lorde: euen by the men of the gouernoures of the shires And Ahab sayde: who shall ioyne batayle? And he sayde: thou. 15 Then he nombred the men of the gouerners of the shires: and they were two hundred and .xxxij. And after them he nombred al the people, and al the children of Israel were seuen thousand. 16 And they went out at none when Benhadad was drinckynge stronge dryncke in the pauilions with the two and thyrtye kynges that holpe hym. 17 And the men of the shrifes of the shires went out fyrste. And Benhadad sent out, and they shewed him saying: there came men out e Samaria. 18 And he sayd: yf they come out of for peace, take them aliue. And also yf they come for warre take them yet alyue. 19 And when those men of the shrifes of the shires were come out of the citie and the host after them, they slue euery one of them his man. 20 And the Siriens fled, and Israel folowed after them. And Benhadad the kinge of Siria scaped on a horsse with hys horsemen. 21 And the kinge of Israel went out and smote horsse and charet, & slue a great slaughter of the Sirians. 22 Then there came a Prophete to the kinge of Israel, and sayde to him: go forth and play the man, be wyse & take hede what thou doest for when the yeare is about, the kinge of Siria will come against the agayne.