1 Kings 1:34-39

Matthew(i) 34 And let Sadock the pryest and Nathan the prophet anoynte hym there, to be kynge ouer Israel. And then blowe ye with a trompet and saye: God saue kinge Salomon. 35 And then come vp after him, and let him come and sytte vpon my seate. For he shalbe kynge in my steade. And hym I haue commaunded to be captayne ouer Israel and Iuda. 36 And Banaiah the sonne of Iehoiada answered the kynge and sayde: Amen, and so pray I God that the Lorde God of my Lorde the kynge saye so to. 37 And as the Lorde hath bene wyth my Lorde the kynge, euen so, I praye God, he maye be, with Salomon and that he make his seate gloryouser then the seate of my lorde kynge Dauid. 38 And Sadock the pryest, and Nathan the prophet of Banaiah the sonne of Iehoiada & the Cerethites and Phelethites went doune, and set Salomon vpon kinge Dauids Mule and led him to Gihon. 39 And Sadock the priest toke an horne of oyle out of the tabernacle and anoynted Salomon. And they blewe a trompet, and all they sayde: God saue king Salomon.