1 Chronicles 28:6-10

Matthew(i) 6 And he sayde vnto me: Salomon thy sonne, he shall buylde my house and my courtes, for I haue chosen hym to be my sonne, and I wyl be hys father 7 & wyll stablyshe hys kyngedome for euer, If he wyll harden hym selfe to do my commaundementes, and my lawes, as it goeth thys daye. 8 And nowe I saye vnto you before all Israel the congregacyon of the Lorde, and in the audience of oure God: kepe and seke for al the commaundementes of the Lorde your God, that ye maye enioye a good lande, and inheryte youre chyldren after you for euer. 9 And thou Salomon my sonne: knowe God thy father, and serue hym with a pure hert, and lust of soule. For the Lorde searcheth all hertes, and vnderstandeth all the Imaginacyons of thoughtes. If thou shalte seke hym, he wylbe founde of the: But & yf thou forsake hym, he wyll caste the of for euer. 10 Take hede now, for the Lord hath chosen the, to buylde an house of thy sanctuarye. Be stronge, and do it.