1 Chronicles 16:7-36

Matthew(i) 7 And that same tyme Dauid dyd appointe chefely to thanke the Lorde by Asaph and his brethren. 8 Thanke the lord, cal on his name, make his Actes knowen amonge the people. 9 Synge vnto hym and play vnto him, and recorde all hys wonderfull dedes. 10 Praise his holy name, and let the hertes of them that seke the Lorde reioyse. 11 Seke the Lorde and hys strengthe: Seke hys presence alwaye. 12 Remembre hys maruelles whych he dyd and his wonders, and the iudgementes of his mouthe. 13 The seade of Israel are his seruauntes: the children of Iacob are his chosen. 14 He is the Lord oure God: & in all landes are his iudgementes. 15 Thynke on hys appoyntmente euer, and on the worde he commaunded to a thousande generacyons. 16 Of his couenaunt to Abraham, and of his othe to Isaac: 17 which he set before Iacob for a decree, & to Israel for an euerlastynge couenaunt, 18 saying: to the I wyl geue the lande of Canaan, to be the porcyon of youre enheritaunce. 19 When you were a smalle company in nombre, euen but a few and therto straungers therin. 20 And they went from people to people, & from one kyngedom to another nacyon. 21 He suffered no man to do them wronge. But rebuked kynges for their sakes. 22 Touch not myne anoynted, nor do my Prophetes any harme. 23 Singe vnto the lord all the earthe: and shew from day to daye his victories. 24 Tell amonge the Heathen of hys glorye and amonge all nacyons of hys wonderfull deades. 25 For greate is the Lorde and to be praysed exceadyngly: & terrible is he aboue al Gods. 26 For al the Gods of the Heathen are Idoles. But the Lorde made heauen. 27 Prayse and honoure are in his presence: strength and gladnes are in hys place. 28 Asscribe to the lord ye kynredes of people. Asscribe to the Lorde glorye and strength. 29 Geue honoure vnto the Lordes name: brynge presentes and come before hym, and bowe to the Lorde in holy apparell. 30 All the earthe feare hym, he stablyshed the earthe that it can not moue. 31 The heauen reioyse and the earthe be glad, and let men tell amonge the nacyons that the Lorde is a kynge. 32 Let the sea thunder and hys fulnesse, and let the feldes reioyse, and all that is therin. 33 Moreouer let the trees of the wood rynge at the presence of the Lorde: for he cometh to iudge the earthe. 34 Thanke the Lorde for he is good, and his mercye lasteth euer: 35 and saye: saue vs o God oure sauyoure, and gather vs together, and delyuer vs from amonge the Heathen, to thanke thy holy name, and to prayse the with the prayse that becometh the. 36 Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel for euer and euer, and al nacyons saye Amen, so praysing the lord.