Joel 1:15-20

MSTC(i) 15 Alas, alas for this day. And why? the day of the LORD is at hand, and cometh as a destroyer from the Almighty. 16 Shall not the meats be taken away before our eyes, the mirth also and joy from the house of our God? 17 The seed shall perish in the ground, the garners shall lie waste, the floors shall be broken down, for the corn shall be destroyed. 18 O what a fighting make the cattle? The bullocks are very evil liking, because they have no pasture: and the sheep are famished away. 19 O LORD, to thee will I cry: for the fire hath consumed the goodly pastures of the wilderness, and the flame hath burnt up all the trees of the field. 20 Yea, the wild beasts cry also unto thee: for the water rivers are dried up, and the fire hath consumed the pastures of the wilderness.