2 Wherefore then is thy clothing red, and thy raiment like his that treadeth in the winepress?
3 "I have trodden the press myself alone, and of all people, there was not one with me. Thus have I trodden down mine enemies in my wrath, and set my feet upon them in my indignation: And their blood sprang upon my clothes, and so have I stained all my raiment.
4 For that day of vengeance that I have taken in hand, and the year of my deliverance, is come.
5 I looked about me, and there was no man to show me any help. I fell down, and no man held me up. Then I held me by mine own arm, and my ferventness sustained me:
6 and thus have I trodden down the people in my wrath, and bathed them in my displeasure: Insomuch that I have shed their blood upon the earth."