11 He shall feed his flock like a herdsman. He shall gather the lambs together with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall kindly entreat those that bear young.
12 "Who hath holden the waters in his fist? Who hath measured heaven with his span, and hath comprehended all the earth of the world in three measures? Who hath weighed the mountains and hills in a balance?
13 Who hath reformed the mind of the LORD? Or who is of his counsel to teach him?
14 At whom hath he asked counsel, to make him understand, and to learn him the way of judgment: to teach him science: and to instruct him in the way of understanding?
15 Behold, all people are in comparison of him, as a drop to a bucketful, and are counted as the least thing that the balance weigheth. Behold, the Isles are in comparison of him, as the shadow of the sunbeam.
16 Lebanon is not sufficient to minister fire for his offering, and all the beasts thereof are not enough to one sacrifice.
17 All people in comparison of him are reckoned as nothing, yea vain vanity and emptiness.