15 If your brother is continually pained because of your food, you are not conducting yourself any longer in love. Do not, by what you eat, persist in destroying a man for whom Christ died.
16 Therefore do not let what is right, so far as you are concerned, be evil spoken of.
17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
18 Those who are slaving for Christ devotedly in these ways, are well pleasing to God and highly commended by man.
19 So then let is eagerly pursue the things that make for peace and the upbuilding of each other.
20 Do not, for the sake of food, be tearing down God's work. All food indeed is ceremonially clean, but a man is in the wrong if his food proves a stumbling-block.
21 The right course is not to eat meat, nor to drink wine, nor to do anything through which your brother is made to stumble.