Acts 24:2-9

Lamsa(i) 2 And when he was called forth, Ter-tulÆlus began to accuse him, saying, It is through you that we enjoy great tranquility, and owing to your care many excellent things have been done for this people. 3 And we all, everywhere, receive your favors, O most excellent FeÆlix. 4 But while I desire not to weary you with lengthy discussions, nevertheless, I beg you to hear in brief our humble complaint. 5 We have found this man to be a pestilent fellow and a worker of sedition among the Jews throughout the world, for he is the ringleader of the sect of the NazÆa-renes. 6 He sought to defile our temple: therefore when we seized him, we would have judged him according to our law. 7 But the chief captain LysÆias came, and by force took him away out of our hands and sent him to you, 8 Then he commanded his accusers to come to you. Now when you question him, you can learn for yourself concerning all these things of which we accuse him. 9 The Jews also witnessed against him, declaring that these things were true.