Isaiah 64:5-9

LXX2012(i) 5 For [these blessings] shall happen to them that work righteousness, and they shall remember your ways: behold, you were angry and we have sinned; therefore we have erred, 6 and we are all become as unclean, and all our righteousness as a filthy rag: and we have fallen as leaves because of our iniquities; thus the wind shall carry us [away]. 7 And there is none that calls upon your name, or that remembers to take hold on you: for you have turned your face away from us, and have delivered us up because of our sins. 8 And now, O Lord, you are our Father, and we are clay, all [of us] the work of your hands. 9 Be not very angry with us, and remember not our sins for ever; but now look on [us], for we are all your people.