8 while* Paul said in his defense, "Neither against the law of the Jews nor against the temple nor against Caesar have I sinned with reference to anything!"
9 But Festus, because he* wanted to do a favor for the Jews, answered and* said to Paul, "Are you willing to go up to Jerusalem to be tried before me there concerning these things?"
10 But Paul said, "I am standing before the judgment seat of Caesar, where it is necessary for me to be judged. I have done no wrong to the Jews, as you also know very well.
11 If then I am doing wrong* and have done anything deserving death, I am not trying to avoid* dying. But if there is nothing true of the things which these people are accusing me, no one can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar!"
12 Then Festus, after* discussing this* with his* council, replied, "You have appealed to Caesar—to Caesar you will go!"