Psalms 149:6-9

  6 H7319 Let the high H410 praises of God H1627 be in their mouth H6374 , and a twoedged H2719 sword H3027 in their hand;
  7 H6213 To execute [H8800]   H5360 vengeance H1471 upon the heathen H8433 , and punishments H3816 upon the people;
  8 H631 To bind [H8800]   H4428 their kings H2131 with chains H3513 , and their nobles [H8737]   H3525 with fetters H1270 of iron;
  9 H6213 To execute [H8800]   H4941 upon them the judgment H3789 written [H8803]   H1926 : this honour H2623 have all his saints H1984 . Praise [H8761]   H3050 ye the LORD.
IHOT(i) (In English order)
  6 H7319 רוממות   H410 אל of God H1627 בגרונם in their mouth, H2719 וחרב sword H6374 פיפיות and a twoedged H3027 בידם׃ in their hand;
  7 H6213 לעשׂות To execute H5360 נקמה vengeance H1471 בגוים upon the heathen, H8433 תוכחת punishments H1077 בל   H3816 אמים׃ upon the people;
  8 H631 לאסר To bind H4428 מלכיהם their kings H2131 בזקים with chains, H3513 ונכבדיהם and their nobles H3525 בכבלי with fetters H1270 ברזל׃ of iron;
  9 H6213 לעשׂות To execute H4941 בהם משׁפט upon them the judgment H3789 כתוב written: H1926 הדר honor H1931 הוא this H3605 לכל have all H2623 חסידיו his saints. H1984 הללו Praise H3050 יה׃ ye the LORD.