Galatians 3:8-10

  8 G1161 And G1124 the scripture G4275 , foreseeing [G5631]   G3754 that G2316 God G1344 would justify [G5719]   G1484 the heathen G1537 through G4102 faith G4283 , preached before the gospel [G5662]   G11 unto Abraham G3754 , saying, G1722 In G4671 thee G1757 shall G3956 all G1484 nations G1757 be blessed [G5701]  .
  9 G5620 So then G1537 they which be of G4102 faith G2127 are blessed [G5743]   G4862 with G4103 faithful G11 Abraham.
  10 G1063 For G3745 as many as G1526 are [G5748]   G1537 of G2041 the works G3551 of the law G1526 are [G5748]   G5259 under G2671 the curse G1063 : for G1125 it is written [G5769]   G1944 , Cursed G3956 is every one G3739 that G1696 continueth [G5719]   G3756 not G1722 in G3956 all things G3588 which G1125 are written [G5772]   G1722 in G975 the book G3551 of the law G4160 to do [G5658]   G846 them.
  8 G4275 (G5631) προιδουσα   G1161 δε And Foreseeing G3588 η The G1124 γραφη Scripture G3754 οτι That G1537 εκ By G4102 πιστεως Faith G1344 (G5719) δικαιοι Justifies G3588 τα The G1484 εθνη   G3588 ο Nations G2316 θεος God, G4283 (G5662) προευηγγελισατο   G3588 τω Before Announced Glad Tidings G11 αβρααμ   G3754 οτι To Abraham : G1757 (G5701) ενευλογηθησονται Shall Be Blessed G1722 εν In G4671 σοι Thee G3956 παντα All G3588 τα The G1484 εθνη Nations.
  9 G5620 ωστε So That G3588 οι Those G1537 εκ Of G4102 πιστεως Faith G2127 (G5743) ευλογουνται Are Being Blessed G4862 συν With G3588 τω The G4103 πιστω Believing G11 αβρααμ Abraham.
  10 G3745 οσοι   G1063 γαρ For As Many As G1537 εξ Of G2041 εργων Works G3551 νομου Of Law G1526 (G5748) εισιν Are, G5259 υπο Under G2671 καταραν A Curse G1526 (G5748) εισιν Are. G1125 (G5769) γεγραπται   G1063 γαρ For It Has Been Written, G1944 επικαταρατος Cursed G3956 πας "is" Everyone G3739 ος Who G3756 ουκ Not G1696 (G5719) εμμενει Does Continue G1722 εν In G3956 πασιν All Things G3588 τοις Which G1125 (G5772) γεγραμμενοις Have Been Written G1722 εν In G3588 τω The G975 βιβλιω Book G3588 του Of The G3551 νομου   G3588 του Law G4160 (G5658) ποιησαι To Do G846 αυτα Them.