2 Timothy 3:1-3

  1 G5124 This G1097 know [G5720]   G1161 also G3754 , that G1722 in G2078 the last G2250 days G5467 perilous G2540 times G1764 shall come [G5695]  .
  2 G1063 For G444 men G2071 shall be [G5704]   G5367 lovers of their own selves G5366 , covetous G213 , boasters G5244 , proud G989 , blasphemers G545 , disobedient G1118 to parents G884 , unthankful G462 , unholy,
  3 G794 Without natural affection G786 , trucebreakers G1228 , false accusers G193 , incontinent G434 , fierce G865 , despisers of those that are good,
  1 G5124 τουτο   G1161 δε But This G1097 (G5720) γινωσκε Know Thou, G3754 οτι That G1722 εν In "the" G2078 εσχαταις Last G2250 ημεραις Days G1764 (G5695) ενστησονται Will Be Present G2540 καιροι Times G5467 χαλεποι Difficult;
  2 G2071 (G5704) εσονται   G1063 γαρ   G3588 οι For Will Be G444 ανθρωποι Men G5367 φιλαυτοι Lovers Of Self, G5366 φιλαργυροι Lovers Of Money, G213 αλαζονες Vaunting, G5244 υπερηφανοι Proud, G989 βλασφημοι Evil Speakers. G1118 γονευσιν To Parents G545 απειθεις Disobedient, G884 αχαριστοι Unthankful, G462 ανοσιοι Unholy,
  3 G794 αστοργοι Without Natural Affection, G786 ασπονδοι Implacable, G1228 διαβολοι Slanderers, G193 ακρατεις Incontinent, G434 ανημεροι Savage, G865 αφιλαγαθοι Not Lovers Of Good,