Galatians 3:8-10

  8 G1161 And G1124 the scripture G4275 , foreseeing [G5631]   G3754 that G2316 God G1344 would justify [G5719]   G1484 the heathen G1537 through G4102 faith G4283 , preached before the gospel [G5662]   G11 unto Abraham G3754 , saying, G1722 In G4671 thee G1757 shall G3956 all G1484 nations G1757 be blessed [G5701]  .
  9 G5620 So then G1537 they which be of G4102 faith G2127 are blessed [G5743]   G4862 with G4103 faithful G11 Abraham.
  10 G1063 For G3745 as many as G1526 are [G5748]   G1537 of G2041 the works G3551 of the law G1526 are [G5748]   G5259 under G2671 the curse G1063 : for G1125 it is written [G5769]   G1944 , Cursed G3956 is every one G3739 that G1696 continueth [G5719]   G3756 not G1722 in G3956 all things G3588 which G1125 are written [G5772]   G1722 in G975 the book G3551 of the law G4160 to do [G5658]   G846 them.
   8 G1161 CONJ δε And G3588 T-NSF η Tha G1124 N-NSF γραφη Scripture G4275 V-2AAP-NSF προιδουσα Having Foreseen G3754 CONJ οτι That G3588 T-NSM ο Tho G2316 N-NSM θεος God G1344 V-PAI-3S δικαιοι Makes Righteous G3588 T-APN τα Thes G1484 N-APN εθνη Gentiles G1537 PREP εκ From G4102 N-GSF πιστεως Faith G4283 V-ADI-3S προευηγγελισατο Proclaimed Good News In Advance G3588 T-DSM τω To Tho G11 N-PRI αβρααμ Abraham G3754 CONJ οτι That G1722 PREP εν In G4671 P-2DS σοι Thee G3588 T-NPN τα Thes G3956 A-NPN παντα All G1484 N-NPN εθνη Nations G1757 V-FPI-3P ενευλογηθησονται Will Be Blessed
   9 G5620 CONJ ωστε So Then G3588 T-NPM οι Thos G1537 PREP εκ From G4102 N-GSF πιστεως Faith G2127 V-PPI-3P ευλογουνται Are Blessed G4862 PREP συν With G3588 T-DSM τω Tho G4103 A-DSM πιστω Faithful G11 N-PRI αβρααμ Abraham
   10 G1063 CONJ γαρ For G3745 K-NPM οσοι As Many As G1526 V-PXI-3P εισιν Are G1537 PREP εξ From G2041 N-GPN εργων Works G3551 N-GSM νομου Of Law G1526 V-PXI-3P εισιν Are G5259 PREP υπο Under G2671 N-ASF καταραν Curse G1063 CONJ γαρ For G1125 V-RPI-3S γεγραπται It Is Written G1944 A-NSM επικαταρατος Cursed G3956 A-NSM πας Every G3739 R-NSM ος Who G1696 V-PAI-3S εμμενει Continues G3756 PRT-N ουκ Not G1722 PREP εν In G3588 T-DPN τοις Thes G3956 A-DPN πασιν All G1125 V-RPP-DPN γεγραμμενοις Written G1722 PREP εν In G3588 T-DSN τω The G975 N-DSN βιβλιω Book G3588 T-GSM του Of Tho G3551 N-GSM νομου Law G3588 T-GSN του The G4160 V-AAN ποιησαι To Do G846 P-APN αυτα Them