Leviticus 13:1-14

JuliaSmith(i) 1 And Jehovah will speak to Moses, and to Aaron, saying, 2 When to a man there shall be a lifting up in the skin of his flesh, or a scab, or brightness, and it was in the skin of his flesh for the stroke of leprosy; and he shall be brought to Aaron the priest, or to one of his sons the priests. 3 And the priest saw the stroke in the skin of the flesh: and the hair in the stroke turned white, and the sight of the stroke deep from the skin of his flesh, it is the stroke of leprosy: and the priest saw him and defiled him. 4 And if the brightness it white in the skin of his flesh, and its sight not deep from the skin, and the hair not turned white; and the priest shut up the stroke seven days. 5 And the priest saw him in the seventh day: and behold, the stroke stood; in his eyes, the stroke spread not in the skin, and the priest shut him up the second seven days. 6 And the priest saw him in the seventh day, the second time, and behold, the stroke dim, and the stroke spread not in the skin, and the priest cleansed him: it is a scab: and he washed his garments and was clean. 7 And if spreading, the scab shall spread in the skin, after his being seen to the priest for his cleansing, and he was seen the second time to the priest 8 And the priest saw, and behold, the scab spread in the skin, and the priest defiled him: it is leprosy. 9 When the stroke of leprosy shall be in a man, and he shall be brought to the priest: 10 And the priest saw, and behold, a lifting up white in the skin, and it turned the hair white, and the quickening of living flesh in the lifting up: 11 It is an old leprosy in the skin of his flesh, and the priest shall defile him; he shall not shut him up for he is unclean. 12 And if breaking out, the leprosy shall break out in the skin, and the leprosy covered all the skin, the stroke from his head and even to his feet, to all the sight of the eyes of the priest: 13 And the priest saw, and behold, the leprosy covered all his flesh, and he cleansed the stroke: all of it turned white: he is clean. 14 In the day of seeing in him the living flesh, he shall be unclean.