Job 21:10-17

JuliaSmith(i) 10 His ox passed over and will not be cast away: his heifer will escape and will not be barren. 11 They will send forth their children as a flock, and their children will leap. 12 They will lift up with the drum and harp, and they will rejoice at the voice of the pipe. 13 Their days glided on in good, and in a moment they will lay hold of hades. 14 And they will say to God, Depart from us; and we desired not the knowledge of thy ways. 15 What the Almighty that we shall serve him? and what shall we be profited if we shall supplicate to him? 16 Behold, their good not in the hand: the counsel of the unjust was far from me. 17 How often the light of the unjust shall be extinguished, and their destruction will come upon them. He will distribute pains in his anger.