1 Kings 17:12-15

JuliaSmith(i) 12 And she will say, Jehovah thy God lives, if there is to me a cake, but a handful of flour in a bucket, and a little oil in a cruse: and behold me gathering two woods, and I went to do it for me and for my son, and we shall eat and die. 13 And Elijah will say to her, Thou shalt not fear; go and do according to thy word: but make to me from thence a little cake at first, and bring forth to me, and for thee and for thy son thou shalt make at last 14 For thus said Jehovah the God of Israel, The bucket of flour shall not be spent, and the cruse of oil shall not fail until the day Jehovah shall give rain upon the face of the earth. 15 And she will go and do according to the word of Elijah: and she will eat, she and he, and her house, days.