Romans 8:9-10

JMNT(i) 9 Yet you folks are not constantly existing within the midst of flesh (or: you are not in union with nor centered on [the alienated human condition, or Torah-keeping with flesh sacrifices]), but rather within spirit, in union with Breath-effect and centered on [His] attitude, since indeed God’s Spirit (or: if so be that [the] Breath-effect which is God; or: if as is the fact that an attitude which corresponds to God) is continuously housing Itself (making His abode; residing; dwelling; by idiom: cohabiting; living together as husband and wife) within and among you folks. Yet if anyone is not continuously having, or not habitually and progressively holding, Christ’s Spirit and [the Messiah's] Attitude (or: So if a certain person is not regularly possessing a Breath-effect which is Anointed), this one is not habitually existing from Him as his Source (or: is not now having His character or qualities; or: presently is not His). 10 But since Christ (or: Yet if [the] Anointing) [is] within you folks, on the one hand the body is dead (lifeless) because of sin (through failure, deviation and missing the target), yet on the other hand, the Spirit, Attitude and Breath-effect [is] Life because of justice, [covenant] rightwisedness and equitable relationships within the Way pointed-out (or: on account of [His] covenant faithfulness which set us in the Right [Christ], turning us into the Right Direction).