Romans 3:22-23

JMNT(i) 22 yet a righteousness of God (or: a right relationship and solidarity with and which is God; justice from God; God’s fair and equitable dealings in accord with the Way pointed out; a rightwised condition effected by God) through Jesus Christ’s faithfulness (trust; faith; convinced loyalty) [coming] into all humanity – as well as upon and into all those believing, for you see, there exists no distinction (no difference; no divided arrangement)! 23 You see, all people at one point veered off the mark (or: all folks deviated; or: everyone fails; all humanity sins), and so they are continually posterior to, falling short of, inferior to and wanting of, God’s glory (of a manifestation of God which calls forth praise; of a reputation which comes from, and has the character of, God; of God's opinion and imagination; of [having] an appearance of God; of the glory from God),