Romans 11:2-4

JMNT(i) 2 God does not (or: did not) thrust away His people – whom He by experience intimately foreknew! Or have you not seen, and thus perceive, in [the passage of] Elijah, what the Scripture is saying as he is repeatedly encountering in God (or: hitting on target when conversing with God), concerning the sphere and condition of (or: down against) Israel? 3 "O Lord [= O Yahweh], they kill Your prophets! They dig down under (thus: undermine to demolish) Your altars! And as for me, I was left under, alone (or: I'm the only one left below), and they continually seek (are continuously trying to find) my soul (my breath; = they want to kill me)." [1 King 19:10, 14] 4 To the contrary, what does the useful transaction (the deliberative instruction; the oracle) say to him? "I leave down (or: reserve) to Myself (for Myself; in Myself) [other MSS: They have been leaving for Myself] seven thousand adult males, those men who do not bend a knee to Baal." [1 Kings 19:18]