1 Now pertaining to Jesus – being born within [the town of] Bethlehem, of the Judean [district], during the days of Herod the king – note and consider this: Great ones (magi: from the Persian magus = great ones, who were often Persian priests; wise men; scholars; astrologers; royal advisors; or: magicians) from eastern regions birthed their presence into Jerusalem [Hebrew: City or Occupation of Peace and Wholeness].
2 They kept on saying, "Where is He being the one born 'King of the Judeans'? You see, we saw His star (or: luminous heavenly body; meteor; flame of light) in [its] rising (or: within the East, the place of rising; or: we, [being] in the east, saw His star), and we come (or: came) to do obeisance (or: to kiss toward, fall down and give reverence, worship and pay homage) to Him."
3 Now, upon hearing [of it], King Herod was shaken (disturbed; unsettled; agitated; irritated with anxiety; stirred up) – as well as all Jerusalem along with him!
4 Then on gathering together all the chief (or: ranking) priests and scribes (theologians; experts in the Law and Torah) of the People [= those of the Jewish culture and religion], he, one after another, repeatedly investigated from them, ascertaining beside them where the Christ (the Anointed One; = the Messiah) is traditionally being born.
5 So they said to him, "Within Bethlehem [Hebrew: House of Bread], of the Judean [district], for thus it stands written through the prophet,
6 'And you, Bethlehem, [in the] land of Judah, are by no means least among the leaders (= leading cities) of Judah, for from out of you will proceed coming forth a Leader and Mentor, which very One will shepherd (= guide, nourish, care for and protect) My People, Israel.'" [Mic. 5:1]