40 Then He proceeds coming toward the disciples, and He is presently finding them continuing fast asleep. So He then says to Peter, "So (or: Thus [is the case]), you folks have no strength to stay awake and watch with Me [for] one hour.
41 "You folks continue awake and keep on watching. And continue praying to the end that you folks may not enter into a test (a trial; a putting to the proof). On the one hand the spirit [is] eager (the attitude [can be] the first to rush forward with passion); on the other hand the flesh (= the estranged human nature; the alienated self; the person who has been molded and dominated by the System) [is] without strength (weak and infirm)."
42 Again, a second time, going off He prayed, repeatedly saying, "My Father, if this continues impossible (unable) to pass on from Me if I should not (or: unless I should) drink it, let Your will and purpose be birthed and come to be!"
43 Then, going again, He found them continuing fast asleep, for their eyes were ones having been made heavy and continuing weighed down as with a burden.
44 And so, leaving them [and] again going away, He prayed a third time saying the same word (or: thought; idea).