Matthew 17:2-7

JMNT(i) 2 And then, all of a sudden, He was transformed (changed in external form and appearance) and His face radiated light, like a lamp, and shone like the sun. His outer garments also turned white – bright as the light! 3 Next – consider this! – Moses and Elijah, continuing in a discussion and conferring together with Him, were seen by them [i.e., the disciples]. 4 Now Peter, making a considered response, said to Jesus, "O Lord (Master), it is beautiful, fine and ideal [for] us to continue being (or: existing) here in this place. If You continue intending [to] (or: If You now will [it to be so]; If You desire [me to]), I will proceed erecting three tents (or: will progressively make three tabernacles; will be constructing three temporary shelters) here: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah." 5 Now consider this! While he was still speaking, a cloud composed of light (or: a cloud full of light; a cloud radiating light; a luminous cloud; an illuminated cloud) suddenly brought shade upon them (or: cast a shadow over them; overshadowed, or enveloped them). And think of this! A Voice – from out of the midst of the cloud – progressively saying, "This Man continues existing being My Son! The Beloved One (or: The One exemplifying and expressing My love) within Whom I think good thoughts (or: in Whom I imagine thoughts of wellness and ease; in Whom I appear well; in Whom I approve and of Whom I have a good opinion). Make it a habit to listen, to continue paying attention, and then to [really] hear Him (implies: obey Him)!" 6 At once, upon hearing [this], the disciples fell (= flung themselves) upon their faces and then were made extremely afraid (or: became terrified). 7 So Jesus approached and, upon touching – and as it were kindling – them, said, "Be aroused, get up and stop being made afraid!"