Matthew 11:11-14

JMNT(i) 11 "Truly, I am now saying to you folks, among those born of women there has not been raised up a person greater than John the Immerser (the baptizer; the Baptist). Yet the one of lesser importance (or: the least; the smaller) within the reign of the heavens (or: kingdom of the atmospheres) constantly exists being greater than him. 12 "Now from the days of John the Immerser until right now, the reign of the heavens (or: sovereign rule of the kingdom of the atmospheres) is itself continuously pressing (or: is progressively pressing and forcing itself) forward with urgency, and those urging and pressing forward [toward the goal] are one after another grasping it and then drawing it up [to themselves]. [note: I have rendered biazomai (press and force) as a middle; it can also be rendered as a passive] 13 "For you see, all the Prophets and the Law prophesy (showed light ahead of time) until (to the point of time up to; till the time of) John. 14 "And so, if you now desire and continue purposing to welcome, embrace and accept [it; or: him], he is (or: this very one exists being) Elijah – the one being at the point of being at [his] periodical coming (or: the person now being about to be presently and progressively coming).