Acts 8:18-21

JMNT(i) 18 Now Simon, upon seeing that the [p45, A & other MSS add: set-apart (or: Holy)] Breath-effect (or: Spirit; Attitude; Breath) is repeatedly being given through the placing or laying on (or: the imposition) of the hands of the sent-forth folks (the emissaries or representatives), he brought (or: offered) useful things (or: money; properties) to them, 19 repeatedly saying, "Give at once also to me this authority and right, so that on whomever I also should place [my] hands he may receive a set-apart breath-effect (or: [the] Holy Spirit)!" 20 But Peter said to him, "Your silver might (or: could) continue being with [you, as you yourself progress on the path] into loss or destruction, seeing that you suppose and presume from custom to proceed to obtain and acquire God's free gift (or: gratuity) through useful things (or: money; properties; = by buying it). 21 "There is neither a part nor a lot for you within this Word (or: this idea; this reason; this expressed verbal communication; or: this message; or: this matter). You see, your heart is not straight and level with a position answering to God (or: in front of God, in His presence).