Acts 16:30-32

JMNT(i) 30 Next, after leading them outside [D adds: and upon securing the rest {of the prisoners}], he said to them, "Sirs (or: [My] lords; Masters) what is it now necessary for me to continue doing or keep on performing so that I can be kept safe (or: rescued)?" 31 So these men said, "At once place your trust and confidence upon the Lord Jesus (or: the Master, Jesus), and then you as well as your household will be kept safe (or: rescued and kept from trouble or danger [from the consequences of these events])." 32 Later, they spoke God's [other MSS: the Lord's {= Christ's or Yahweh's}] Word (or: God's idea and thoughts; God's Logos; God's message) to him [and] to all the folks within his house (or: household), together.