8 But Elymas (Arabic meaning: the wise one), the magus – for in this way is his name being normally translated and interpreted – kept on standing in face-to-face opposition to them, repeatedly seeking to twist in two and thoroughly turn the proconsul away from the faith.
9 Yet Saul – the [same] man also [being] Paul – being filled full of set-apart Breath-effect (or: being filled with [the] Holy Spirit), after staring intently into him, said,
10 "O you son of an adversary (of one who throws something through another person; = one who has the character and qualities of a devil), all full of fish-bait (or: filled with every fraud and deceit) and every thing that is done adroitly and with ease (knavish schemes and roguish tricks) – enemy of all fairness, equity, rightwised behavior and just relationships which constitute the Way pointed out (= covenant principles)! You will not of yourself cease thoroughly perverting and twisting in two (or: distorting) the straight ways and paths of [the] Lord [= Yahweh, or, Christ],