Acts 12:3-19

JMNT(i) 3 Now upon seeing that [this] was pleasing to the Judeans (= the Jewish leadership and their sympathizers), he set himself with a focus to seize (take together with the hands) Peter, also – now [these] were the days of unleavened bread [= during the Feast of Passover], 4 whom, after taking a firm hold on [him], he put into prison (or: jail), turning [him] over to four [shifts] of four soldiers [each] to continue guarding him, presently intending to lead him back up (= present him) to the people, after the Passover. 5 Therefore Peter, consequently, continued being kept in custody (remained under guard and was being watched) within the prison (or: jail), yet thoughts and speech toward having things be well [for him] (or: prayer) continued being repeatedly birthed (or: was continuously coming to be) extendedly (i.e., in a way or manner that stretched forth from out of [their] midst) focused on God around him (or: toward God concerning him), by the called-out community. 6 So when Herod was being about to bring him forth (or: produce him [to them]), during that night Peter – being bound with two chains – continued sleeping between two soldiers, besides [the] guards before the door [who] continued watching over and guarding the prison (or: jail). 7 And yet, look, and consider this! An agent of and from [the] Lord (or: [Christ's or Yahweh's] messenger) made a stand upon [the scene; D reads: stood by Peter], and light shown (or: a light shines) within the midst of the room (= prison cell). Now tapping Peter's side, he (she; it) raised him up, while saying, "Get up quickly!" Then his chains at once fell off from [his] hands. 8 Now the agent (messenger) said to him, "Gird yourself (= Fasten your garments with your belt, so as to be ready to walk) and bind on your sandals." So he did so. Then he (she; it) says to him, "Throw your outer garment (robe; cloak) around [you] and keep following me." 9 And thus, after going out, he continued following, and yet he had not seen or perceived so as to know that the [incident] presently happening by means of the agent (messenger) is real, so he continued thinking (imagining; supposing) [himself] to be seeing a vision (effect of something seen). 10 Now, after passing through [the] first guard station, and then a second one, they came upon the iron gate, [which] now is leading into the city – which automatically (spontaneously; by self-acting) was opened up to (or: for) them. And so, having gone out, they proceeded [along] one narrow street (lane; alley) – then suddenly the agent (messenger) stood away (or: withdrew; departed) from him. 11 Next, Peter, suddenly coming to be within (= coming to) himself, said, "Now I have truly seen, and thus am really aware, that the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] sent forth His agent (messenger) out on a mission, and he extricated me (plucked me out) from the midst of Herod's hand (= power and authority), and from the entire anticipation of the Judean people (or: from everything the people of Judea were focusing their thinking to and looking toward)." 12 And then, after perceiving [the various aspects of his situation] and consciously considering [it], he came upon the house of Mary, the mother of John – the one surnamed Mark, where quite a few people had been gathered and were crowded together continuing in thinking or speaking toward things being well (i.e., praying). 13 So after his knocking [at; on] the door or the portal (or: gateway; entrance), a servant girl named Rhoda came to [the entry] to answer (to obediently hear [the reason for the knock] and to respond; [p74: to go to meet {him}]). 14 Then, upon recognizing (accurately knowing) Peter's voice, from the joy [of the realization] she did not open up the gateway, but instead, immediately running into [their] midst, reported [that] Peter is standing before the gateway (or: entrance). 15 Yet they themselves said to her, "You are either manic, or you are out of your mind!" But she continued strongly asserting and thoroughly insisting [that] thus [they] are to continue having [it] (= that it was so). So those folks kept on saying, one after another, [D adds: to her], " [D adds: Perhaps] it is his agent (or: The messenger is from him; or: It is the agent that pertains to him; It is the messenger that has his characteristics)!" 16 Now Peter continued remaining at [the door], repeatedly knocking. So when they opened [it] up, they saw him and were standing outside of themselves in astonishment (or: beside themselves in amazement). 17 But, after gesturing (motioning downward) with [his] hand for them to hush and keep silent, he thoroughly related to them how the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] led him forth out of the prison. Then he said, "Report these things back to Jacob (James) and the brothers." And then, after going out, he went his way into a different place. 18 Now with the birthing of (or: at its coming to be) day, there was no little (small; slight) commotion (stir; agitation; disturbance) among the soldiers – about what had really become [of] (or: had in fact happened [to]) Peter. 19 So Herod – after making a thorough search for him and not finding [him] [and] upon examining and interrogating the guards, ordered [them] to be led away [and punished, or, executed?]. Later, after going down from the Judean [district] into Caesarea, he continued wearing through [the fabric of the days] (= he idled away, or spent, some time [there]).