20 being One having been foreknown (previously known by intimate experience), indeed, before [the] casting down (as of material for a foundation: founding; as of seed in a field: sowing; as of seed of a man: conception [cf Heb. 11:11]; as in throwing something down: overthrowing; as in battle = slaying; in politics: abandoning [a measure]; of debts: paying down by installments;) of [the; or: an] ordered System (world; universe; a particular order or arrangement of things; or: = the aggregate of humanity), yet One being set in clear light and manifested upon [the] last part (or: final; [p72 and others read plural: last things, circumstances or aspects]) of the times (or: of the [or: these] successive chronological time periods) because of you folks –
21 the ones [who] through Him [are] folks trustingly adhering unto God (or: [are] believing ones, ones full of faith, and confiding ones [proceeding] [p 72 & other MSS read the present participle: ones habitually putting trust] into God): the One awakening and raising Him up, forth from out of the midst of dead folks (or: from out of union with dead people), and giving glory to Him (a good reputation for Him; a manifestation which calls forth praise in Him). Consequently, your faith (trust; confidence; loyalty) and expectation (or: hope) are to continuously exist being [plugged; put; focused] into God (or: are to be [returned] into the midst of God)!