2 And the Life was manifested (or: is brought into the clear light and made visible) and we have seen, and still observe, and are repeatedly testifying (bearing witness; giving evidence) and in a message are constantly reporting to you folks the Life which has the character and qualities of the Age (or: the life of, for and pertaining to the ages; eonian life) which Certain [Life] was continuously existing [oriented and proceeding] toward (or: was face to face with) the Father, and was manifested (or: is made visible) to us, in us, by us, and for us.
3 The One whom we have seen, and still now see, and we have heard, and now continue listening to and hearing, we are also constantly reporting to you, to the end that you, too, may be continuously having common being and existence (or: would be progressively holding partnership and participation) with us. And yet, our common being and existence (or: participation; fellowship; partnership; sharing) [is] with the Father, even with His Son (or: as well as with the Son from Him; or, in apposition: and with the Son which is Him), Jesus Christ.