8 For you see, on the one hand, in (or: to; for; with; by) one person a word (a thought, message or expression; [the] reason) of wisdom (or: a wise idea) is repeatedly or from time-to-time or progressively being given. In (or: To; For; With; By) another person, on the other hand, [is given] a word (thought; message; expression; [the] reason) of intimate, experiential knowledge, insight or realization (gnosis) – in accord with (or: down from; in the sphere of; in line with) the same Breath (or: Spirit).
9 In (To; For; With; By) a different person [is given] faith (trust; loyalty; belief; conviction; trustworthiness), within and in union with the same effect of the Breath (or: Spirit; Attitude); yet in (to; for; by; with) another the effects of grace, and the results of joyous favor, which result in healings – within and in union with the one Breath-effect (or: Spirit; Attitude).
10 Yet in (to; for) another person [is given] the effects and results of inner workings and operations of abilities, powers and influences; still in (to; for; by) another [is given] a prophecy (or: light ahead of time), and in (to; for; by) another [is given] thorough discernings, distinguishings or discriminations pertaining to spirits (or: separations from spirits throughout [oneself]; [the] siftings and complete separations which lead to a thorough decision or judgment of spirits or attitudes). Yet, in (to; for; by) a different person [are given] races and species (families and classes) of languages (or: tongues), then in (to; for; by) another one [are given] translations and interpretations of languages (tongues).
11 Now the one and the same Spirit (or: Breath-effect; Attitude) is habitually working within (energizing, activating and operating) all these things, constantly dividing, apportioning and distributing in (to; for) each person his own [effect of grace], correspondingly as He progressively intends (is habitually willing; continuously purposes).
12 You see, correspondingly as the [human] body is one [body] and continuously has (possesses; holds) many members (body parts), and all the members of the one body – being many – are one body, in this way, also, [is] the Christ (or: even thus [is] the Anointed One and the Anointing).