Genesis 31:14-15

IHOT(i) (In English order)
  14 H6030 ותען answered H7354 רחל And Rachel H3812 ולאה and Leah H559 ותאמרנה and said H5750 לו העוד unto him, yet H2506 לנו חלק any portion H5159 ונחלה or inheritance H1004 בבית house? H1 אבינו׃ for us in our father's
  15 H3808 הלוא Are we not H5237 נכריות of him strangers? H2803 נחשׁבנו counted H3588 לו כי for H4376 מכרנו he hath sold H398 ויאכל us, and hath quite devoured H1571 גם also H398 אכול us, and hath quite devoured H853 את   H3701 כספנו׃ our money.