26 Wherfore, God gaue them vp vnto shamefull lustes: For euen their wemen dyd chaunge the naturall vse in to that whych is agaynst nature.
27 And lyke wyse also the men, lefte the natural vse of the woman, and brent in their lustes one wyth another, men wyth men wrought fylthynes, and receaued to them selues the rewarde of theyr erroure, as it was accordynge.
28 And as they regarded not to knowe God euen so God delyuered them vp vnto a lewde mynde, that they shulde do those thynges whych were not comly,
29 beyng full of all vnryghteousnesse, fornicacyon, wyckednes, coueteousnes, malicyousnes, full of enuye morther, debate, disceyte, euyll condicyoned, whysperers,
30 backbyters, haters of God, dysdaynfull, proude, boasters, bringers vp of euyll thynges, disobedyent to father and mother,
31 wythout vnderstandynge, couenaunte breakers, vnlouynge, trucebreakers, vnmercyfull.
32 Which men, though they knew the ryghtewesnes of God, how that they which commyt soche thynges, are worthy of deeth, not only do the same but also haue pleasure in them that do them.