26 Wherfore, God gaue them vp vnto shamefull lustes: For euen their wemen dyd chaunge the naturall vse in to that whych is agaynst nature.
Romans 1:26 Cross References - Great
Genesis 19:5
5 And they callynge vnto Lot, sayde vnto him: where are the men which came into the thys nyght? brynge them out vnto vs & we will knowe them.
Leviticus 18:22-28
22 Thou shalt not lye wyth mankynde as wt womankynde, for it is abominacyon.
23 Thou shalt lye wyth no maner of beaste to defyle thy selfe therwith, nether shall any woman stonde before a beast, to lye doune therto, for it is abhominacyon.
24 Ye shall not defyle youre selues in any of these thynges, wherin all the nacyons are defyled whyche I cast out before you:
25 Wherthorowe the lande is defyled, and I will vysett the wykednesse therof vpon it, yea & the lande it selfe hath cast out her inhabiters.
26 Ye shall kepe therfore myne ordinaunces, & my iudgementes, and commyt none of these abhominacyons: nether any of you nor any straunger that soiourneth amonge you
27 (for all these abhominacions haue the men of the lande done whyche were there before you, & the lande is defyled.)
28 Shall not the lande spewe you out also (yf ye defyle it) as it spewed out the people that were before you?
Deuteronomy 23:17-18
Judges 19:22
22 And as they were makynge their herttes merye, beholde, the men of the cytie which were wicked, set the house rounde aboute, and thrust at the dore, and spake to the man of the house, the olde man, sayinge: brynge forth the man that came into thyne house, that we maye knowe hym.
Romans 1:24
24 Wherfore, God gaue them vp, to vnclennes, thorow the lustes of their awne heartes to defyle their awne bodyes amonge them selues:
Romans 1:28
28 And as they regarded not to knowe God euen so God delyuered them vp vnto a lewde mynde, that they shulde do those thynges whych were not comly,
1 Corinthians 6:9
9 Do ye not knowe, how that the vnryghteous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceaued. For nether fornicatours, nether worshyppers of ymages, nether aduoutrers, nether weaklynges, nether abusers of them selues wyth mankynde,
Ephesians 4:19
19 which beynge past repentaunce, haue geuen them selues ouer vnto wantannes, to worke all manner of vnclennes, euen with gredines.
Ephesians 5:12
12 For it is shame euen to name those thynges which are done of them in secrete:
1 Thessalonians 4:5
5 and not in the lust of concupiscence as do the hethen which know not God,
1 Timothy 1:10
10 to whormongers: to them that defyle them selues whyth mankynde: to manstealers: to lyars, to periured, and yf ther be eny other thynge that is contrary to the holsome doctryne,
Jude 1:7
7 euen as Sodome & Gomore, and the cytyes aboute them (which in lyke maner defyled them selues with fornicacyon, and folowed straunge flesshe) are set forth for an ensample, & suffre the payne of eternall fyre.
Jude 1:10
10 But these speake euyll of those thynges whych they knowe not: and what thynges they knowe naturaly (as beastes which are wythout reason) in those thinges they corrupte them selues.