Romans 11:2-12

Great(i) 2 God hath not cast awaye his people, which he knewe before. Wote ye not, what the scripture sayth of Helias, how he maketh intercession to God agaynst Israell, saying: 3 Lorde, they haue kylled thy Prophetes, and dygged downe thyne alters: and I am lefte alone, and they seke my lyfe. 4 But what sayth the answere of God vnto hym? I haue reserued vnto my selfe seuen thousande men, which haue not bowed the knee to the ymage of Ball. 5 Euen so also at thys tyme is ther a remanaunt lefte accordynge to the eleccyon of grace. 6 If it be of grace, then is it not now of workes. For then grace is nomore grace. But If it be of workes, then is it now no grace. For then were deseruynge nomore deseruynge. 7 What then? Israel hath not obtayned that which he seketh: but the eleccyon hath obtayned it. The remnaunt are blynded 8 accordynge as it is written. God hath geuen them the sprete of vnquyetnes: eyes that they shuld not se, & eares that they shuld not heare, euen vnto this daye. 9 And Dauid sayth: Let their table be made a snare to take them with all, and an occasyon to fall, and a reward vnto them. 10 Let theyr eyes be blynded that they se not: and bowe thou downe their backe allwaye. 11 I saye then: haue they therfore stombled, that they shuld vtterly fall awaye together. God forbyd: but thorowe theyr fall is saluacyon happened vnto the Gentyls, for to prouoke them withall. 12 Wherfore yf the fall of them be the ryches of the worlde, and the mynisshynge of them the ryches of the gentyls: How moch more their perfectnesse?