13 And the syxt Angell blewe, and I herde a voyce from the .iiii. corners of the golden aultre, which is before God,
14 sayinge to the syxt Angell, which had the trompe: Lose the foure Angelles, which are bounde in the grete ryuer Euphrates.
15 And the foure Angelles were loosed, whych were prepared for an houre, for a daye, for a moneth, & for ayere, for to slee the .iii. part of men.
16 And the nombre of horsmen of warre were .xx. thousande tymes .x.M. And I herde the nombre of them:
17 & thus I sawe the horses in a vision, & them that sate on them, hauynge fyrye habbergions of a Iacincte couloure, & brymstone, & the heades of the horses were as the heades of lyons. And out of their mouthes went forth fyre and smoke, & brymstone.
18 And of these thre was the thyrd part of men kylled: that is to saye, of fyre, smoke, and brymstone: whych proceded out of the mouthes of them:
19 For their power was in their mouthes & in their tayles, for their tayles were lyke vnto serpentes, & had heades, & with them they dyd hurt:
20 And the remanaunt of the men whych were not kylled by these plages, repented not of the dedes of their handes that they shulde not worshyppe deuyls, & ymages of golde and syluer, and brasse, and stone, and of wood, whych nether can se, nether heare, nether go.
21 Also they repented not of their murther, and of their sorcery, nether of their fornycacyon, nether of their thefte.