Psalms 89:19-36

Great(i) 19 For the Lord is oure defence, The holy one of Israel is oure kynge. 20 Thou spakest somtyme in vysyons vnto thy saynctes, and saydest: I haue layed helpe vpon one that is myghty, I haue exalted one chosen out of the people. 21 I haue founde Dauid my seruaunt: with my holy oyle haue I anoynted him. 22 My hand shall holde hym fast, and myne arme shall strengthen hym: 23 The enemye shall not be able to do hym violence, the sonne of wickednesse shall not hurte hym. 24 I shall smyte downe hys foes before hys face, and plage them that hate hym. 25 My trueth also and my mercy shalbe wyth hym, and in my name shall hys horne be exalted. 26 I wyll set hys dominion also in the see, and hys ryght hande in the floudes. 27 He shall call me: thou art my father, my God, & my stronge saluacion. 28 And I wyll make hym my fyrst borne, hyer then the kynges of the earth. 29 My mercy wyll I kepe for hym for euermore, & my couenaunt shall stande fast wyth hym. 30 Hys sede also wyll I make to endure for euer, and hys trone as the dayes of heauen. 31 But yf hys chyldren forsake my lawe, and walke not in my iudgementes. 32 If they breake my statutes and kepe not my commaundementes. 33 I wyll vyset theyr offences with the rod and theyr synne wyth scourges. 34 Neuerthelesse, my louynge kyndnesse will I not vtterly take from hym, ner suffre my trueth to fayle. 35 My couenaunt wyll I not breake, nor alter the thinge that is gone out of my lyppes. 36 I haue sworne once by my holynesse, that I wyll not fayle Dauid.