Psalms 112:5-10

Great(i) 5 A good man is mercyfull, and lendeth: and wyll gyde his wordes wt discrecion. 6 For he shall neuer be moued: and the ryghteous shall be had in an euerlasting remembraunce. 7 He will not be afrayed for eny euell tydinges, for his hert standeth fast, and beleueth in in the Lord. 8 His hert is stablished: & will not shryncke, vntill he se his desyre vpon his enemyes. 9 He hath sparsed abroad, and geuen to the poore: and his ryghteousnes remayneth for euer, hys horne shalbe exalted wyth honoure. 10 The vngodly shall se it, and it shall greue him: he shall gnash with his teeth, & consume awaye: the desyre of the vngodly shall perysh.